Get to know your Field

From Asia to the West, back and forth This is where the bond are forged.

Having the chance to see our first day in Vietnam – Asia and growing up in the West – Belgium, by an understanging of both cultures, we get to develop a kin sens of the situation for each field of business.  Helping partners to broaden their network between the East and the West is our privilege.
The two founders and brothers growing up together developed in their younger days joint project as such as student events to promote asian culture with European. 
Now within a perpetual movement of changes, T&T Solutions help partners who wish to trade between the two poles to develop their project and get the best of it.

The founder and CEO, Minh-Tri has always be someone who likes the dynamics of things. Thanks to his Financial expertise and his Consultancy activity, he has broaden his network of peoples and activities. He believes that everyone can succeed in his field with passion and focus. That is why he creates T&T Solutions to bring small and big project together, linking and finding good partners for people who wish to trade within their country or with others.

"...Every dream has it importance, be it big or small to the world, it always is huge and passionate in the heart of the dreamer."

" find his true passion is sometimes a difficult task, mostly in this world when Nature regulates our well being. To go against Her and constraint Nature will lead us astray. As a human being, it is important to find our place on this World, listening to Nature and letting her come, as a Friend, She will guide us to our passion and unique Trueself."

After his studies in software engineering, mister Quang-Khanh went to Vietnam to develop his business, there he learnt collaboration and culture with the people living in the countryside of Vietnam. Due to his work, he comes to question the place of humanity and Nature, the impact of our hands and it benefits. Back to Belgium, he went back to University to look for answers. He then studied Architecture for 2 years in La Cambre-Horta-ULB within wich he discovers the Permaculture Philosophy way of living and doing things. He studied and researched Permaculture those last years and develop his own vision. From software engineering to Permaculture and passing by Architecture, he understands that every things is connected. We are all bond in a network, be it material, spiritual or virtual. Every move impact others, humans and Nature. Mister Quang Khanh thinks that it is important to link every aspect of live such as social, economic, psychologic and ecologic to bring the best out of Humanity, a Natural human being.